lunar circle for sensitive souls

Cyclical healing, honing our intuition, energy and boundary management to create balance and to enable us to move through the world embodying our true selves.


Please note in order to keep the integrity of the circle, we require a 3 month minimum membership commitment with one months calendar notice in the event that you need to cancel.

If you wish to dip your toe into the Circle before committing, please sign up as a one-off to one of our Full Moon sessions, which you can find here: Full Moon Sessions

When we can align with the energetic influences around us we are then in tune with our thoughts, life-choices and direction which honours our core values and creates firm foundations to live our authentic life in a state of balance and wellness.

Who is this circle for?

This Lunar Circle Membership is specifically curated to support empaths, HSP's or sensitive souls.

The moon can have an influence on our moods, sleep-cycles, general energy levels with regards to ups and downs, appetite and your own internal rhythms in general.  This influence impacts many, but especially so for empaths, HSP's and sensitive souls who are already dancing an energetic tango with the energies around them from others, the environment, nature and ourselves, especially when we go up into our heads which is commonplace.

Regardless of how you feel about the moon she is powerful enough to dictate the eating, mating, energetic, sleep and mood cycles of countless animals on this planet and lets not forget the water tides upon this Earth.

When you can understand her rhythms you will find that you are then better able to sync up with her guiding hand, to flow with her tides rather than get caught out by them and through this manage your energy far better, develop your own self-care, bring about your wishes, harness focus and clarity, influence your creativity, have a better direction in life as you harmonize the duet you have together.

joining the circle

As with the Moon being cyclical, so are we and so it is befitting that we join together as a circle.  When we come together as a group we are gifted the support of the collective.  Though we all tread our own individual journey upon this world, we can be energetically held, seen and heard by other like minded people, who through regular contact become a part of your tribe.

When you connect with others who are facing similar challenges or obstacles to yourself you can learn and grow alongside each other, even though they may live very different lives to you, this can enrich your perspective on life.  As a group when one shares there is a magical bonding that happens as we too also are gifted insights that otherwise we might not have been able to express or experience.

Circles are a safe space to be heard, they are empowering and nourishing held by all with an open heart.



    25 x online sessions over the year, roughly fortnightly mostly on Wednesdays, starting 4th January 2023 and ending on Friday 22nd December 2023.

    These sessions are scheduled on the Wednesdays to coincide as near to either a New or Full Moon as possible.

    This often gives you the opportunity to work with the upcoming energy as well as benefitting with it afterwards as the cycles are never like an on and off switch, they wax and wane like the tides waves.

    The last session coincides with the Winter Solstice being Friday 22nd December 2023.

    Dates will be dropped in your portal once you join so that you can diarize them.


    We start at 8.30 pm each session.

    8.30 pm - 9 pm will not be recorded and will consist of a variety of activities intuitively chosen to work with the groups needs at the time, such as discussing boundaries, specific sharing time, intuitive work, oracle card pulling etc.

    9pm - 10pm ~ Cameras go off, recording is switched on and we enjoy a curated session leading in with connecting as a circle, short meditation or mantra work and then a yoga Nidra curated to the specific moon's energy at that time with alchemy sounds.

    10 pm - I will gently bring you back from the yoga Nidra after which I will remain for 10 or so minutes so you can journal any insights and share or you can log off to go to sleep, entirely optional.


    You will get access through your membership portal to the audio recordings for each session from the New Moon to the Full Moon, providing you with a rotation of year long healing meditations.

    You will also get access to various other guided meditation & healing script audios throughout the year which I intuitively drop to support you.

    The portal is fluid, so meditations will be added and removed as needed, but there will always be a base line of audios to support you relevant to the times that we are in.


    You will have access in your portal to 25 curated Moon Manuals dropped in sequence to work with on every New and Full Moon. These manuals contains an overview of what is happening at that particular time, how the moon 'might' affect your physical and emotional body. There are journal prompts, mantra suggestions, altar suggestions and crystal recommendations.

    There will also be other static Moon information that will remain in the portal for the duration of the year that you can work with over and over again.


Hi, my name is Justine Nagaur.  I am a healer | teacher | guide.  My passion is supporting and empowering empaths,  HSP’s & sensitive souls like myself to understand & manage their energy, emotions, behaviours & responses through 1:1 sessions & group circles.

I am based in SW London and have been in the service industry over 25 years working with people and over 15 of those in the healing field.  My life moved fully into healing after a long term chronic illness which isolated me from life in general, including my two young children on and off for 2-3 years.  It was coming through this dark place in my life that I found the gifts of light, one important one being the gift of giving back to others through healing and having a firm understanding and experience of the impact that trauma, stress and disconnect from oneself that can have on our lives.

Love Justine xxx

lunar circle for sensitive souls


Please note in order to keep the integrity of the circle, we require a 3 month minimum membership commitment with one months calendar notice in the event that you need to cancel.

If you wish to dip your toe into the Circle before committing, please sign up as a one-off to one of our Full Moon sessions, which you can find here: Full Moon Sessions